Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Consider Bamboo Furniture for Your Home!

(thanks to OZO Life)
Get bamboo, not bamboozled, the next time you're on the market for new furniture. There are many eco friendly options out there but the best type of furniture for you remains the kind made from the quick-growing, air-purifying mighty bamboo plant. Unlike other comparable hardwoods, bamboo emits 35 percent more oxygen. That means less carbon dioxide in your home, more room for you to breathe. For those seeing flashes of ugly wicker-looking furniture in your future, don’t panic until you've checked out the fine bamboo pieces by Washington-based Greenington. From clean and simple dining sets to Zen-inspired end tables, each piece is made using maturated Moso bamboo that is 20 to 100 percent more durable than oak. Furniture that will not only make you feel better but actually last longer is definitely something to breathe easy about.
Even more info about bamboo furniture can be found at: http://bambooathomes.com/


sam small said...

How about building your entire home from structural bamboo? http://www.bambooliving.com/

Guadua Bamboo Costa Rica said...

Bamboo is an amazing huge grass, often referred to as "vegetal steel" because of it's amazing strength. Guadua Angustifolia is a bamboo specie that is considered as one of the 20 best bamboo species in the world and mainly grows in South and Central America. It has been used in furniture and construction but is also serving as the raw material for laminates and panels.

If you want to learn and see more examples of what is possible with Guadua just check out this website: http://www.guaduabamboocostarica.com

Angela - Upon Request said...

Bamboo is a great flooring option - even in a baby's room! Check out more green nursery tips here: http://bit.ly/G9WJ3