Thursday, March 17, 2011

REALLY Go Green for St. Patricks Day with Eco-Friendly Activities

(This Article Posted by Ian Andrew on Greener Ideal)

Although it's the first thing that often comes to mind, St Patrick's day isn't all about drinking green beer. To make your St. Patrick's Day even greener than it already is, we've come up with a few eco-friendly activities that are best suited for environmentalists living a green lifestyle on St. Patrick's Day.

1. Eat Green - Bright Green Dishes
It may be the easiest way to brighten your day with the color green, but try to find some green foods to eat. Look beyond a traditional salad, and think outside the box. Mint leaves on top of a bowl of organic ice cream could be a great St. Patrick's Day treat for the kids (and be much healthier than a Shamrock Shake)!

2. Get outside and plant something green
It may not be quite warm enough to get the shovels in the ground yet, but it's starting to look and feel a lot like spring here. It might be a good time to take stock of what you plan to do in your yard this year, and if it's too cold to get outside, look at some greenery online and choose what plants and trees you want to invest in this year.

3. If you're going somewhere, use green transportation
This tip goes double-true if you're partaking in any green beer festivities, but if the weather allows it you should leave the car keys at home and join the St. Patty's Day parade on foot. A second-best alternative for green transportation on St. Patrick's Day is public transportation. Whether you're riding the subway or the bus, fewer drivers on the road means fewer carbon emissions.

4. Wear green clothes made with organic cotton
Although most people don their favourite shade of green clothes for St. Patrick's Day, be even greener and one up them with some organic cotton duds. Many retailers are now offering organic lines of clothing to appeal to their green customers, so don't be shy to ask if you find yourself at the mall tomorrow.

5. Drink Green Organic Beer
Lastly, because it can't be avoided on St. Patrick's Day, drink some green beer. While most people will throw some food colouring in their beverages (although avoid the artificial stuff), take it a step further and order something organic.

Local to Toronto, we have a great green brewery, Steam Whistle, who pride themselves on brewing with natural ingredients and taking part in other great green initiatives like packaging made from recycled materials and biodegradable cups for events.

If you're going to indulge in the green beer today, find a local brewery near you that sources natural ingredients, and make this year's St. Patrick's Day green beer extra green.

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